Wear A Mask - it's airborne!

Until ventilation laws are enacted and building owners roll out change to increase fresh air, HEPA/MERV filter stale air and use CO2 monitors to guage proximate transmission risks, your only way to be confident about protecting yourself inside shard-air spaces is to wear a mask. Law changes being tracked here covidisairborne.org/resources/iaq-changes.

There were lies about masks and respirators from the start of the pandemic. Ignore them, all masks work, but they vary from 10% protective up to 99.9%.

If you cannot wear a mask or cloth face covering during Covid-19 circulation, stay at home and get your food/groceries delivered.

N95, FFP2, KF94, KN95 and CN95

If you can afford it, get N95/KF94 grade masks (that are not cloth or washable) for use when mixing with other in public. Citizen Scientist, Aaron Collins, reviews masks for filtration effectiveness and talks about KF94 masks quite a bit, but there are many standards now.

From the fall of 2020 onwards, Aaron Collins with the equipment he had at his home tests high-filtration masks he’s acquired for filtration and leakage. One of the stars of “masks for all” in the pandemic.

We have known since the start that masks would help slow or stop even the pandemic

Articles in the pandemic supporting masks utilizion:

Wikipedia Maintains a long page on mask use in the pandemic here

Goddard’s Journal - listing the “masks work” studies

Goddard’s Journal was among the very first to gather the studies that proved masks work. The author did work that many governments did not, disproving the lies told about masks.

Goddard’s first video - March 2020

Timings from start of video:

Goddard’s second video - October 2020

This was a follow up to the first, as noted at the start of the video. Timings from start of video:

Anti-Masker activities

Anti Masker groups are motivated by politics, hatred of your group/country, bad science, their own bad breath and more. They link to things they claim can prove their case. Their bogus talking points:

Raina MacIntyre’s work in particular

Study ‘MacIntyre et al, 2015’, figures quite a lot as an anti-masker “truth”. Goddard’s Journal went into this study above. Meanwhile, Raina C MacIntyre is disgusted with mis-representation by anti-masker groups. She has published more in the last eighteen months to further indicate her science that masks actually work and that we should wear them:

Pre-pandemic articles suggesting masks in particular would work